— Exposing Corruption —

We Will Never Defeat Democrats in Oregon While Our Own Leaders Support Progressive Lawmaking.

There’s no such thing as a perfect Republican. Even President Donald Trump has his right-wing naysayers. At RUCPAC, we’re ok with imperfection. We’re not ok with outright treason. The only treasonous Republican official in Oregon is Deputy Senate Minority Leader, David Brock-Smith.

He is a snake in the grass. His largest donor is a San Francisco Democrat billionaire who made his money as a hedge fund manager for the Chinese Communist Party. Donations from this individual surpassed the entire corporate lobby throughout DBS’s entire political career. As a result, DBS is the largest individual member / donor to both house caucuses in the legislature. He was appointed to Commissioner, then State Rep, then State Senator by the cabal of Douglas County Commissioners.

When Todd Vaughn challenged his seat in the 2024 Primary election David Brock-Smith, in communist fashion, manipulated the Douglas County Central Committee by spreading unprovable and blatant lies in effort to recall Vaughn and his supporters from their elected positions. He had the help from the Boice Brothers and their business partner who owns the News Review. DBS somehow convinced the local party members and voters in Douglas County that Vaughn was behind the effort to install windmills in Coos Bay - even though David Brock Smith was the Chief Sponsor of the Windmill Bill and several others that asked for additional funding for the project. Both state reps Boice and Osborne, all three commissioners, district attorney, sheriff and more in Douglas County signed a letter of endorsement to recall the Roseburg Six from their county party elected positions. All for supporting a primary candidate for State Senate. It’s truly beyond bizarre.

Now David Brock-Smith is a delegate in the ORP and has won influence throughout party leadership with his China money. He even bought himself the “Rising Star” award at Dorchester.

Sen. David Brock-Smith (R)

David Brock-Smith was Chief Sponsor of the Windmill Bill to put offshore windpower off the coast of Coos Bay. He voted to pass the Wildfire mapping bill that jacked the cost of insurance so high that no bank in the country will finance private rural land. He helped Tim Knopp end the walkout and eliminate the top 10 most conservative senators from office. Now, he’s the Deputy Senate Minority Leader. His campaign signs say: “Working for You.” But, when you look at his voting record as a legislator and where he gets his money, it’s clear who he really works for. You don’t have to base your opinion on David Brock-Smith from what we say. We’ve made it easy for you to see the facts for yourself: